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Devon and Sarah reunite in spirit after a long week apart. While still a long-distance episode, they discuss healthcare, Russia and how ridiculous our newscycle has become. Devon geeks out on San Diego Comic Con 2017. They award the Donald Trump Dishonor in Dickwaddery to someone who is TOTALLY NOT A RACIST ASSHOLE*!!!
*Spoiler alert: he is totally a racist asshole.
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Key Articles
- Republican strategy on healthcare bill in flux ahead of vote by Amanda Becker (Reuters)
- Health Care Overhaul Collapses as Two Republican Senators Defect by Thomas Kaplan (NYTimes)
- 3 Republican Women Effectively Killed McConnell’s Latest Repeal Plan by Emma Gray (HuffPost)
- Donald Trump Thinks Health Insurance Costs $12 Per Year When You’re 21 by Sy Mukherjee (Fortune)
- If John McCain were uninsured, his surgery could have cost $76,000 by Julia Belluz (Vox)
- John McCain’s diagnosis is a reminder of how much insurance matters for cancer survival by Julia Belluz (Vox)
- Senate Republicans Unsure of What Health-Care Measure They Will Vote On by Natalie Andrews, Stephanie Armour, and Kristina Peterson (The Wall Street Journal)
- Team Trump Used Obamacare Money to Run PR Effort Against It by Sam Stein (DailyBeast)
- Trump administration scraps Obamacare signup assistance in 18 cities by AP Staff (CNBC News)
- y Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show by Adam Entous,
Ellen Nakashima, and Greg Miller (WaPo) - Trump Aides, Seeking Leverage, Investigate Mueller’s Investigators by Michael S. Schmidt, Maggie Haberman, and Matt Apuzzo (NYTimes)
- Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions by Greg Farrell and Christian Berthelesen (Bloomberg Politics)
- Marc Kasowitz and Mark Corallo depart Trump’s legal team
by CBS News Team - s Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller’s Russia investigation by Carol D. Leonnig, Ashley Parker,
Rosalind S. Helderman, and Tom Hamburger (WaPo) - ExxonMobil violated Russia sanctions while Rex Tillerson was CEO, U.S. says by The Washington Post (Syracuse)
Gratitude Check Links
- She Should Run Launches Campaign to Achieve Gender Parity in Politics by 2030 by Claire Landsbaum (The Cut)
- s Va. transgender candidate raised nearly 20 times more than GOP opponent in June by Antonio Olivo (WaPo)
- Jennifer Lopez used a gender-neutral pronoun for her sister’s child and her fans are going wild by CBS News Team
- John Lewis Led A Civil Rights March Through Comic-Con by Madison Medeiros (Refinery 29)
- How 1 Congresswoman Is Standing Up to Online Trolls by Rebecca Nelson (Cosmopolitan)
Action Items
- Trumpcare Toolkit
- Little Miss Flint – Backpack Challenge (PackYourBack)
? ALERT: We're hearing from Republican sources that calls into Capito and Murkowski recently swung from anti-repeal to pro-repeal.
— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) July 22, 2017
Heres the fundraising page, working the amazon wishlist now
— Mari Copeny (@LittleMissFlint) July 21, 2017
Donald Trump Dishonor in Dickwaddery Links
- Schumer Takes Aim at Clinton: Don’t Blame Russia or Comey, “Blame Yourself” by Daniel Politi (Slate)
- ‘Game of Thrones’ Showrunners Reveal Next HBO Project: ‘Confederate’ by Carli Velocci (The Wrap)
- Game of Thrones Creator on Confederate Series: We Might Mess Up, but We Haven’t Yet by Yesha Callahan (The Grapevine)
- n Fla. mayoral candidate had a message for activists who want reparations: ‘Go back to Africa’ by Cleve R. Wootson Jr (WaPo)
Hey, elected Dems: you see how Maxine Waters got incredibly popular by relentlessly attacking Trump & never going after Clinton? Try that.
— Molly (@isteintraum) July 23, 2017
There's so much to be said about what *actually* happened after the Civil War instead of the myths we're taught. That's the show I want.
— Clint Smith (@ClintSmithIII) July 21, 2017
Twitter Index
Listener Feedback
@SarahLerner @DevonHandy the spotify ad that has @hellbentpod music is a jewelry store called chained and able!
— Bernadette Stadler (@bstadler94) July 19, 2017
Spotify commercial for @ChainedAndAble used @hellbentpod theme music; brain couldn't compute. British dude, not @SarahLerner & @DevonHandy ?
— Rachel Whinnery (@Ray_Whin) July 19, 2017
.@DevonHandy @hellbentpod @SarahLerner #trumpfonts Wingdings, but every time I see that GIF of him showing a bill, I picture Comic Sans.
— Dana Williams (@DanaPersists) July 19, 2017
Y’all helped me find my voice as a feminist & got me rethinking so many of society’s norms. May not always agree but you’ve opened my world.
— Such a Flawed Creation (@canuckstephers) July 20, 2017
Twitter References
Majorities across parties say GOP/President Trump are responsible for any #ACA problems going forward
— Kaiser Family Foundation (@KaiserFamFound) July 23, 2017
Kudos to Sanders staff for punching BIG holes in this bill. Arguing before the Parliamentarian is intense and requires a lot of prep work.
— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) July 21, 2017
If this article is true, Lyin' Jeff Sessions should, at a minimum, be indicted for the felony of perjury. He also needs to resign.
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) July 21, 2017
Why it's possible Russia or someone working for Russia leaked the Sessions info, as explained to my mom. (This is quicker than a thread lol)
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) July 22, 2017
He can get them directly from the IRS without Trump ever knowing. Just needs a judge's approval (in secret).
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) July 21, 2017