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Devon and Sarah discuss the Senate Intelligence Committee’s public hearing with James Comey, who was fire by Trump for having the gall to investigate him for colluding with Russia. (Or for mishandling the Hillary Clinton email server case, depending on who in the White House you actually talk to…) They award the Maxine Waters Award in Badassery. They also interview writer Katelyn Burns.

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Key Articles

  1. James Comey’s dramatic prepared testimony about President Trump, explained by Andrew Prokop (Vox)

Gratitude Check Links

  1. Actual Superhero Gal Gadot Was 5 Months Pregnant During Wonder Woman Reshoots by Meredith Bland (ScaryMommy)
  2. Working Mom Makes Awesome Edits To Daughter’s Sexist Homework by Caroline Bologna (HuffPost)
  3. Rep. Judy Chu Introduces Bill To Break Mental Health Stigma Among Asian-Americans by Kimberly Yam (HuffPost)
  4. Is Jon Ossoff Pro-Choice? Planned Parenthood Is Putting Its Support Behind Him by Noor Al-Sibai (Bustle)
  5. Jon Ossoff Credits Women For His Strong Showing In Georgia by Laura Bassett (HuffPost)

Action Items

  1. TrumpcareToolkit

Maxine Waters Update & The Maxine Waters Award in Badassery