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Devon and Sarah discuss Trump divulging TOP SECRET information to the Russians, Comey’s memos, and the call for Trump’s impeachment. They also speak with feminist hero Wendy Davis about her latest project, Deeds Not Words. They award the Maxine Waters Award in Badassery.
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Key Articles
- Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador by Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe (WaPo)
- Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Gave to Russians by Adam Goldman, Eric Schmidt, and Peter Baker (NYTimes)
- Trump Defends Sharing Information on ISIS Threat With Russia by Peter Baker and Julie Hirschfeld Davis (NYTimes)
- Trump transition handling of classified info raised concern by Julie Pace (AP News)
- Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation by Michael S. Schmidt (NYTimes)
- Trump’s tweets, interviews could cost him executive privilege by Yvette Cabrera (ThinkProgress)
- Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’ by Lachlan Markay, Asawin Suebsaeng, and Jana Winter (Daily Beast)
- Legal analysts: Trump might have obstructed justice, if Comey’s allegation is true
by Matt Zapotosky (WaPo) - Follow @WendyDavis on Twitter
- Follow Deeds Not Words (@_deedsnotwords) on Twitter
Gratitude Check Links
- Wendy Davis: I Fucking Hate To Lose by Wendy Davis (Lenny)
- ‘Pay Trump bribes here’ sign projected onto Trump’s DC hotel by Nicole Chavez and Emily Smith (CNN)
- Young Black Democrats, Eager to Lead From the Left, Eye Runs in 2018 by Alexander Burns (NYTimes)
- This Woman Inspired A Dialogue About Agreeing With Men’s Compliments And People Are Nodding by Tanya Chen (BuzzFeed News)
Action Items
- Listener Jessica: I heard someone say earlier today—and I think it’s true—that NOTHING will get the Republicans to abandon Trump until they start losing elections. Once that starts happening, the game will change completely. And this made me realize that phone banking for Jon Ossoff and Rob Quist is probably the single most important thing we can be doing right now, aside from calling our reps. If we win these two races I can almost guarantee a complete change in the GOP’s tolerance of Trump’s bullshit. They are sticking with him now, but if we start taking seats from them that’ll end so fast Trump’s head will spin. So please, if you’re pissed, if you’re scared, if you’re outraged, and if you have ANY spare time, shoot me a PM and I’ll tell you how to get involved in phone banking. Even ten minutes a day can help. Plus it’s fun!
Maxine Waters Update & The Maxine Waters Award in Badassery
- Teens grill the congressman who saved Trumpcare over whether rape is a pre-existing condition by Laurel Raymond (ThinkProgress)
- How Grace and Frankie’s June Diane Raphael Is Helping ‘Badass’ Women Get Into Politics by Ale Russian (People)
Well said, Barbara from Dubuque ??
— Sarah Lerner (@SarahLerner) May 14, 2017
Trump, you are the disgrace! You are a liar & national embarrassment who has defied our constitution. You & Sessions need to hit the road!
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 11, 2017
"I think he can be looked at and perhaps even charged with obstruction of justice."
—Rep. Maxine Waters to @allinwithchris on Trump
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 12, 2017
.@MaxineWaters on investigations into Trump/Russia collusion: "Go at it before all the records are shredded" #inners
— All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) May 12, 2017
Since Sessions & Trump want to get tough on crime, they should look in the mirror & start w/ perjury & obstruction of justice #TrumpRussia
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 14, 2017
I'm not surprised by Trump's latest debacle. How long will "patriotic" Republicans allow this to continue? Please read my statement below:
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) May 16, 2017
Twitter Index
Listener Feedback
@hellbentpod I feel it is imperative to say that Javert is not the villain of Les Miserables, society is (and the Thenardiers)
— Xii (@grownfairytale) May 15, 2017
Hey friends! about the dinos. Archaeologists study humans and paleontologists study dinos.
— Dani Frank (@Dani_is_Frank) May 16, 2017
@hellbentpod re: the neonazi rally, the phrase "blood and soil" they were chanting is an actual nazi chant, german was "blut und boden" ??
— Jeanni ????? IT'S LEO SEASON ♌♌♌♌♌ (@JeanniInABottle) May 16, 2017
I know you friends don't currently have sponsors, but maybe you should see if Chiquita can sign on.
— Gary Hoggatt (@GaryHoggatt) May 15, 2017
@hellbentpod @SarahLerner @DevonHandy Ladies, perhaps not for the pod, but mabye for the patreon, I propose a "Preet's Tweets" segment ???
— Roopa Nalam, MD, PhD (@pharmphreshMD) May 16, 2017
Twitter References
The Trump administration reportedly revealed information to Russians that CNN was asked not to report
— The Lead CNN (@TheLeadCNN) May 16, 2017
Reminder: WSJ reported back in Feb. that spies were reportedly keeping intel from Trump on concerns of leaks.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 16, 2017
I know details of classified info Trump leaked 2 Russia Ambassador.
Russian news agency Trump let into meeting is reporting it.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) May 16, 2017
No, it was not.
— David S. Cohen (@cohendavid) May 10, 2017
In 2004, Comey left a 1-on-1 with Bush and sent time-stamped notes from the hallway outside the Sit Room. There will be more. From ‘Angler’:
— Barton Gellman (@bartongellman) May 17, 2017
One thing I learned at DOJ about Comey: he leaves a protective paper trail whenever he deems something inappropriate happened. Stay tuned.
— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) May 12, 2017
Comey associate confirms NYT scoop and says memo is "rich in detail" and he would welcome it becoming public.
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) May 16, 2017
Casual reminder that Beyoncé's entire marketing team is better at managing security/leaks than our current White House administration.
— hopeful monster (@thewordunheard) May 16, 2017
She recorded an album and filmed 17 MUSIC VIDEOS and we had no idea! FOR A YEAR.
— R. Eric Thomas (@oureric) May 16, 2017
All Democrats on Oversight & Judiciary Committees demand immediate investigation of Trump, AG, top WH aides. Letter:
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 17, 2017
This is an abuse of power. Any Republican who doesn't demand for a special prosecutor is complicit.
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) May 16, 2017
What Senate Intelligence Chairman Burr told reporters a few minutes ago, when asked if he'd try to get the Comey memo.
— Elana Schor (@eschor) May 16, 2017
I just asked @DarrellIssa abt the Comey news and he flicked me off — literally gave me the middle finger — and kept walking. Said nothing
— Rachael Bade (@rachaelmbade) May 16, 2017
McCain just said at a dinner honoring him that the Trump scandals have reached a "Watergate size and scale" — wow
— Tim Mak (@timkmak) May 17, 2017
Dana Bash now reporting Congressional Rs debating between supporting independent prosecutor or independent commission. Major development.
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) May 17, 2017
GOP source to me tonight says donors are nearing revolt. That could be what's finally pushing GOPers away from Trump.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) May 17, 2017
White House sources say Trump is cursing up a storm – ranting and raving. Yelling at staffers & using the "F" word. He's losing it tonight.
— Jon Cooper ? (@joncoopertweets) May 16, 2017
Spoke to a DOJ lawyer. He said obstruction of justice cases have lower bar than other cases. Not always so hard to prove "corrupt" intent.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) May 17, 2017
Congressman Joaquin Castro says if NYT report is true it's obstruction of justice, predicts "Congress will go down the road of impeachment"
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) May 17, 2017