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Devon and Sarah interview author Sarah Kuhn and talk about representation in the media, her new book, Heroine Worship, and the comic books with the best fashion. Devon and Sarah also discuss Russia nonsense and some Trumpland bullshit. They award the Maxine Waters Award in Badassery.

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Gratitude & Sanity Check Links

  1. Marines, looking to expand Twentynine Palms training grounds, airlift 1,100 desert tortoises by Jeanette Steele
  2. Astronomers Have Discovered Yet Another Planet Around a Nearby Star by Marina Koren
  3. Another set of fossils discovered at Metro subway excavation site by LA Times Staff
  4. Democrat Jacqueline Smith beats long odds, big money in special election for court clerk – Prince William Times
  5. Focus States
  6. What Happens When Women Legislate by Brittany Bronson
  7. Nevada Ratifies The Equal Rights Amendment … 35 Years After The Deadline – Morning Edition
  8. Chaffetz will leave behind Oversight panel he used to investigate Obama White House by Elise Viebeck
  9. Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News career comes to a swift end amid growing sexual harassment claims by Paul Farhi (Ed. note: why is this in the Style section of WaPo?)
  10. Twitter Index

    Twitter References

Maxine Waters Update & MW Award in Badassery

  1. This Is Maxine Waters, the Millennials’ Political Rock Star by R. Eric Thomas
  2. Ministry Against the Death Penalty
  3. Arkansas execution called off after Supreme Court denies challenge by Mark Berman
  4. Publicist confirms Serena Williams is pregnant by the Associated Press
  5. MARTHA!!!!! #NotYourSecretary
  6. First Woman To Wear A Boston Bib Races Again, 50 Years Later by Camila Domonoske