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Devon and Sarah discuss self care in these crazy times, the Women’s March, intersectional feminism, and how women are leading the resistance against Trump. They also discover a shared love for Maxine Waters, the baddest bitch in congress. And remember: THE NORTH REMEMBERS AND WE ARE COMING FOR YOU ASSHOLES. (That’s a really geeky Game of Thrones reference, for those of you who aren’t watching the best show on television.)
Further Reading
- Why I’m Skipping The Women’s March on Washington by Jamilah Lemieux
- The Women’s March Needs Passion and Purpose, Not Pink Pussycat Hats by Petula Dvorak
- How ‘Pussy Hats’ Made Me Feel Excluded – And Then Welcomed – At The Women’s March by Katelyn Burns
- When You Brag That The Women’s Marches Were Nonviolent by Ijeoma Oluo
- The Alt-Majority: How Social Networks Empowered Mass Protests Against Trump by Farhad Manjoo
- Trump’s Nightmare: Women Opposing Him by Rebecca Traister
- Kamala Harris Twitter
- 61 Of The Greatest Signs From Women’s Marches Around the Country by Julia Reinstein
- Which Republican Senators Are Most Likely To Fight Trump? by Nate Silver
- Congresswoman Maxine Waters Will Read You Now by R. Eric Thomas
For everyone who DID something, small or big, your efforts have been successful. Because of you:
- Federal hiring freeze is reversed for VA (Veteran Affairs).
- Court order Partial stay of the immigration ban for those with valid visas.
- Green card holders can get back in country.
- Uber pledges $3M and immigration lawyers for its drivers after #DeleteUber trends on Twitter.
- Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) enrollment ads are still going to air.
- The ACLU raised 24M over the weekend (normally 3-4Mil/year).
- HHS, EPA, USDA gag order lifted.
- EPA climate data no longer scrubbed from website.
- More people of different career/religious/economic/race backgrounds are considering running for political office than ever before.
- MOST importantly, since we live in a participatory democracy, the people are engaged.
While much more is needed, sometimes you have to celebrate your wins. Stay vigilant, but also take self care seriously. Activist burnout is a thing. Marathon, don’t sprint.