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Devon and Sarah discuss the Secret Service, Steve Bannon’s exit from the White House, and voter suppression. They also name the Dickwad of the Week.

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Action Items

  1. End Voter Suppression by 2018. Re-enfranchise 50 Million People. Destroy the GOP. #WeAllVote2018 by The Strategic Institute of Intersectional Policy (Medium)
  2. I Want to End Voter Suppression By 2018 – Petition on
  3. I Want to End Voter Purging by 2018
    – Petition on
  4. Letter Requesting Democrats to End Voter ID Restrictions by 2018 by The Strategic Institute of Intersectional Policy (Medium)
  5. Editorial: Voters must hold legislators accountable on redistricting Capitol Broadcasting Company Editorial (WRAL)
  6. Where you can make your voice heard about North Carolina’s Redistricting:
    1. Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute in Hudson, NC
    2. Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC
    3. Fayetteville Technical Community College in Fayetteville, NC
    4. Guilford Technical Community College in Jamestown, NC
    5. Halifax Community College in Weldon, NC
    6. Room 643 in the Legislative Office Building in Raleigh, NC

Dickwad of the Week

  1. Recall filed against Democratic state Sen. Nicole Cannizzaro; third senator targeted in recall efforts by Riley Snyder, Michelle Rindels, and Megan Messerly (The Nevada Independent)
  2. Trump cuts funding for Obama’s teen pregnancy program by Haley Britzky (Axios)
  3. Trump’s Proposed Budget Would Invest $277 Million in Abstinence-Only Education by Lisa Ryan (The Cut)

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